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Ingredients for 10 portions
1 portion 3 glasses
- 1.2 l whipping cream
- 60 g Sugar
- 36 g thickener for desserts
- 150 g NUTELLA®
- 20 ml mint syrup
- 20 ml strawberry syrup
- Mint, as required
- Strawberries, as required
- 1 vanilla pod
Put the cream in a pan, add the sugar and thickener and gently boil for a minute, stirring constantly.
When the cream is just warm divide it into three parts.
Add the first part to the small glasses (approx. 40 g) and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Stir in 20 ml of mint syrup to the second, add to the small glasses and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Stir in 20 ml of strawberry syrup to the third, add to the small glasses and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Just before serving, decorate the top of the glasses with 5 g of Nutella using a piping bag.
Decorate with the mint, strawberries and vanilla.
NUTELLA® is a registered trade mark of Ferrero SpA. Any use of the NUTELLA® trade mark must be authorized by the trade mark owner. Please refer to Ferrero Food Service team and the brand guidelines published on this website for further information on any intended commercial use.