pandoro christmas tree

Pandoro Christmas tree with Nutella®

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For 15 portions

  • 225 gr Nutella
  • Icing sugar

For the poolish:

  • 65 gr of flour
  • 33ml of warm water
  • 16 gr of fresh yeast

For the 1st dough:

  • The poolish
  • 120 gr strong flour
  • 30 gr sugar
  • 65 gr egg

For the 2nd dough:

  • The 1st dough previously prepared
  • 250 gr strong flour
  • 10 gr powdered milk
  • 130 gr sugar
  • 14 gr honey
  • 185 gr ointment texture butter
  • 160 gr egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • vanilla essence to taste
  • The zest of a lemon or orange
Cakes / Mini Cakes
Lunch Mid-afternoon
1 h



pandoro christmas tree


1. Dissolve the yeast in the warm water and add the flour slowly. Form a ball and reserve in a container covered with a cloth. Let stand at room temperature until doubled in volume, about 90 minutes.

2. Mix the preferment with the rest of the ingredients of the first dough in an electric mixer.

pandoro christmas tree

3. Knead for a few minutes until a smooth and firm dough is formed, which detaches itself from the walls of the bowl.

4. Form a ball and reserve in a container covered with a cloth for about 90 minutes.

5. To make the third dough, incorporate the second dough and add the flour, sugar, honey, egg yolk and the aromas of citrus and vanilla. Knead with the hook for about a minute.

6. Add the eggs and continue kneading until a smooth, firm dough forms.

pandoro christmas tree

7. Finally add the butter cut into small cubes.

8. Keep kneading until it completely detaches from the walls of the bowl.

9. Grease the pandoro mold with butter.

10. Place the dough inside the mold and let it rest for 2-3 hours covered with a cloth to ferment.

11. Preheat the oven to 170ºC and cook your Pandoro for about 60 minutes.

12. When it is cooked, let it cool for a couple of hours, and then unmold it.


pandoro christmas tree

1. Cut each of the layers of the Pandoro horizontally, to form different levels.

2. Cover each of the floors with the Nutella and reassemble the floors.

3. Sprinkle it with some icing sugar to decorate.

NUTELLA® is a registered trade mark of Ferrero SpA. Any use of the NUTELLA® trade mark must be authorized by the trade mark owner. Please refer to Ferrero Food Service team and the brand guidelines published on this website for further information on any intended commercial use.